First Dui When Can I Drive Again

What To Expect Afterward Your DUI Arrest

General Points About Your DUI Charge in Chicago

Virtually people don't know what to do later they've been arrested for a DUI. Almost every DUI arrest in Illinois has two separate cases: your criminal charges (those are the DUI charges and other tickets you received) and also your license suspension. For the criminal charges, you are innocent until proven guilty and these won't appear on your record until the end of the case if yous are found guilty or plead guilty.

The interruption is different. In Illinois, your driver'south license volition be AUTOMATICALLY exist suspended 46 days after your arrest. Yous are entitled to a hearing to fight the suspension, and there is a time limit to exercise this. Not just that, we can file the Petition asking to fight your suspension right away, and because this starts a clock running, this could very much be in your favor. Waiting to file this Petition could greatly increase the chances of yous beingness suspended.

If you take been arrested for a DUI in Illinois, schedule your initial consultation with our Chicago DUI defense lawyers today.

What's the worst case scenario for your license interruption?

If this is your first fourth dimension DUI offense and y'all want to bulldoze (and oasis't had your hearing on the suspension or lost it) you are still eligible to put a breathalyzer (called a BAIID device) in your car and drive during your suspension as long as you lot drive the car where the BAIID is installed. Information technology's not great: you have to blow into it to start your car and it can besides alert you to blow again while you lot're driving, but it'due south amend than non driving at all for some people. Keep in mind the BAIID device is far from perfect and can register alcohol in your breath even if you've just just brushed your teeth or had been chewing glue.

Can I Still Drive Right Now Subsequently My DUI Arrest?

As long as you lot had a valid license on the date of your arrest, yous tin can Nonetheless bulldoze for 46 days afterwards your arrest. Withal, at midnight on the 46th solar day, your license will exist suspended. If you lot take an Illinois driver'south license, the officer probably took your license. Yous are still able to bulldoze without information technology.

The officer should have given yous a thin, white piece of paper that says "Find of Statutory Summary Intermission". If you plow it over, on the dorsum there will be a "receipt to bulldoze." The officer should accept filled that out with your commuter'south license information, and y'all tin use this to drive instead of having your driver's license on you.

Call a DUI Chaser Inside a Few Days of Your Arrest

It is a misconception to think there is nothing that can exist done until your first court appointment. It's actually the opposite. Similar we mentioned above, your license interruption should happen automatically at midnight on the 46th day after your arrest. This cannot in whatever way be delayed until later by your attorney. The only options to forestall yourself from being suspended on that 46th day are to file a Petition to fight the intermission and sometimes win the hearing on that Petition, in lodge for the pause to exist taken off.

Go on in mind most of these suspension hearings are held on your outset courtroom date or subsequently, which is usually afterwards your suspension may first, so you lot should hire a lawyer right after your arrest in order to accept time on your side earlier your suspension starts. In that location may also be key evidence your lawyer needs to request, like video footage, that will be destroyed or recorded over if it'southward not requested within a few days.

If yous want to fight your license suspension in Chicago, schedule a consultation with our DUI defense attorney today!

The DUI Court Process

Every courthouse is unlike. If your case is at Daley Center, fifty West. Washington, Chicago, IL your DUI case volition be on the 4th floor. You volition be assigned to the same room every courtroom appearance. At Daley Center, the judges rotate every solar day, and y'all volition not know beforehand which judge yous will encounter. You lot tin can possibly have a unlike approximate every time you announced in court. Court will either be at 9 am or 1 pm, and you cannot be late. If you are late, the estimate may event a warrant for your arrest.

If you accept courtroom in the Skokie courthouse, Bridgeview courthouse, Markham courthouse, the Maywood courthouse, the Rolling Meadows courthouse or 26th and California, you will also be assigned a specific room. The judges at these courthouses don't rotate as often, so you lot may have the same gauge throughout your case. Appearance times at these courthouse include 9 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm, one:30 pm.

DUI Court Appearances

In Illinois, a defendant must appear at every court date unless the judge specifically grants permission to the defendant not to appear. This is rare, and would only happen for very narrow circumstances. Nosotros read in the newspapers and tabloids nearly stars who get arrested in other states and their lawyers announced for them while they are off working in a different land, but that does not happen in Illinois. In addition, you must get permission from the gauge to leave the country of Illinois after yous've been arrested and while your DUI case is going on.

Your first appearance court date is set by the constabulary officer and is listed on the tickets that were given to you, and also on your bail slip. All police officers have a "central appointment" schedule in which they appear in courtroom every few weeks each year. Your case will exist attack your officer's central appointment (or assigned date) to be in court. Usually your additional courtroom appearances will likewise be assault your officer's preset fundamental dates.

You should assume at that place will be at least a handful of court dates that you will have to appear at, although every example is dissimilar. Certainly for defendants who live out of town and were arrested while they were visiting Chicago, they want to limit the number of times they accept to wing back for court. Notwithstanding, we generally tell our clients that if we are going to accept the case to trial, they should plan on at least three or 4 court dates. Some cases have more than a twelvemonth to fight, some take less.

Since the license suspension by the Secretary of State is the start consequence that happens as a upshot of your DUI arrest, that is the first affair we fight. Since your criminal DUI charges and other tickets will non keep your record until the end of the instance if you lose, information technology is advisable to fight your interruption in court first. Once that has been done, y'all can move onto fighting the criminal charges.

The DUI court process can be confusing. Let our lawyers assist, contact The Toney Law Firm, LLC today!

DUI Statutory Summary Suspension Issues

Different a trial for DUI where the prosecutor has to show you guilty across a reasonable doubt, it is non the same for fighting a suspension. Considering a pause is civil in nature, it is the customer's burden to win the hearing, not the prosecutor's. In addition, the standard is lower than across a reasonable doubt. Hearings on your break (called a hearing on your Statutory Summary Suspension) are limited but to a few bug, which is fix by statute (625 ILCS 5/11-501.1). Whether you lot are guilty or innocent does not really come into play in this hearing.

In the hearing to fight your intermission, the issues you tin raise are:

  • Whether the officer had reasonable grounds to finish your auto or to abort you lot
  • Whether the officer read you the warnings to motorist (the white piece of paper which outlines that you'll be suspended for 6 months if yous blow over a .08 and 1 year if you lot refuse to blow for outset offenders)
  • Whether you were given discover of the suspension from the officer
  • Whether you submitted to a chemical test that actually showed a BAC of .08 or higher
  • Whether you actually refused to submit to a chemic test
  • Whether in that location are any due process issues
  • Whether you were driving or in actual concrete command of a vehicle
  • Whether you were on a public roadway

DUI Show

Usually on your first court appointment, your lawyer will asking and receive a re-create of the discovery. This includes the law reports, your alcohol and drug influence report, the warning to motorist, the sworn report, arrest reports, copies of your tickets and a video if 1 exists in your case.

Certain Chicago Police Officers take squad cameras in their cars as well as audio mics they wearable on their uniform and one inside the car. These videos are meant to capture what happens as the officer drives, what happens outside the squad auto, too as a reverse camera that shows what is happening in the back seat of the squad car. All Illinois State Police squads are supposed to be equipped with working video cameras. And other municipalities may likewise have squad cameras only it depends on whether they can beget them or not. There may likewise be video of what happens in the police station subsequently y'all've been arrested. Normally this is the booking room where you were taken while the officer completes paperwork and asks you lot to submit to a breathalyzer examination.

Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

Nigh DUI cases involve the officer administering Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) to you. These three tests are:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test - an centre test looking for the involuntary jerking of your eyes. Some people accept naturally occurring nystagmus regardless of whether they consumed booze. At that place are more than xx other reasons a person might have nystagmus, so Illinois courtroom have held this test is but indicative of whether a person consumed booze and non whether they are impaired.
  • Walk and Turn Test - this is a part remainder test, part ability to follow instructions test. The officer will explain and demonstrate the examination. Things the officeholder looks for are whether you started to do the test before you lot were told to, whether you were able to stand up heel-to-toe while he explained the examination to you without breaking opinion, whether you took 9 steps upwards walking a straight line with your artillery at your side, touching heel-to-toe on each step. Whether y'all turned correctly, and so took nine heel-to-toe steps back with your arms at your side and without stepping off the line.
  • One Leg Stand Test - this is also a balancing test equally well as cerebral to see if you lot can follow instructions. Again the officer should demonstrate and explain the test. You should get to select which leg you want to concord half dozen inches off the ground, looking at your toe with your artillery at your side counting one-one yard-one, one-one k-2, etc until the officer tells y'all to finish when yous've reached 30 seconds. If you put your pes downwardly, used your arms to residual or hopped during this examination will exist taken into business relationship.

The majority of DUI arrests in Illinois involve the officer asking the person to provide a breathalyzer sample (or blow) at the station. Practice non confuse this with a breathalyzer examination on the road. A breathalyzer test on the road is called a PBT (for portable breath test). These machines are so unreliable, the fact you took one on the road cannot even be mentioned at trial. The PBT is only used to assistance the officer decide if there is probable cause to abort you.

The breathalyzer at the station is the examination that is admissible at trial. This is because it'southward non as portable and less prone to mistakes (only certainly not fool proof.) If you provide a jiff test at the station that is .08 or college, yous will be charged with a second DUI for existence over a .08. At the fourth dimension yous are at the station, you have already been arrested for a different type of DUI, for being under the influence of booze. In order for jiff tests to be admitted, there are a number of things we look at to verify it's accurateness such as was the officer certified as required, when was the final fourth dimension the car was calibrated, what was it calibrated with and how does information technology do during the calibration process? The machines in Illinois are by and large SELF calibrating which means on the outset of every month they exam themselves to meet if they are accurate. This is the modern world we alive in, but information technology's scary that we rely on the machine to tell united states it's cleaved, simply if it'due south broken, how would it know? This is why nosotros thoroughly investigate every case.

The other less mutual chemic test if a blood exam. A blood test can either be taken if you lot are injured and go to the hospital for treatment, the infirmary tin draw your blood in the course of treatment and test information technology for alcohol. Additionally, the officer may ask yous to submit to a claret examination (even if yous've already had one done by the infirmary in some instances) and then a nurse or phlebotomist will draw your blood and it will be sent to the law-breaking lab to exist tested. The crime lab is very busy, and then blood tests sent to the crime lab routinely take 3 or iv months to be tested. Important issues in any claret test case include the method in which the claret was drawn, how the tubes of blood were handled and treated, where they are sent and their condition, as well as a lot of information almost the machine (called a gas chromatograph) that tested the blood. How was the machine trained to detect booze or drugs, how does it know what is what? There are many issues in claret testing that our hours of classes have taught us. It's very complex, but very important.

I But Want to Take a Plea on My First Courtroom Date. Can I?

Information technology might be possible to take a plea on your start court engagement in an attempt to go information technology over with, simply in virtually circumstances this is both a bad idea and very hard to practice. First, you cannot have a plea in Cook County without start having had a Drug and Alcohol Evaluation done past Central States Constitute. You need an engagement and documents and sometimes information technology'southward non possible to exist done in time for your start court date.

Bigger bug that I run into is the fact you would exist pleading guilty without having seen the testify against you since the reports and videos are only just provided on the commencement court date. You may FEEL as though you accept the worst case or that you are guilty, just the bear witness doesn't always testify that.

And, you lot lessen the likelihood of a favorable plea if yous exercise it on the kickoff court appointment since your lawyer won't take had fourth dimension to review the evidence or potentially talk to the prosecutor's supervisors. Yous may think on a first DUI you'll take supervision and be washed with information technology, only as you lot'll read below, this will follow you lot for the remainder of your life and is only available 1 fourth dimension e'er.

What Exactly Is Supervision on a DUI?

Equally we discussed here, supervision tin have both positive and negative implications. For some clients it's a fantastic resolution, but for others it is absolutely not. Practice non believe that if you go supervision information technology ways it won't proceed your record. This is very wrong. In fact, supervision for a DUI volition always stay on your record, is not eligible for expungement and tin preclude you from inbound Canada. The upsides to supervision is that it is not a conviction if you lot complete it without an upshot, and this prevents you from having your driver's license revoked, which volition happen if yous get bedevilled of a DUI.

In addition, it can brand you more prone to getting rearrested and officers routinely drive down the road running license plates and they volition be able to see your prior supervision for a DUI. This may plant a seed in their head that yous are someone who routinely drinks and drives, and if you brand a moving violation while changing the radio station, yous may observe yourself pulled over and under suspicion for a DUI. We love our clients, but we understand you don't desire to accept to see us a 2d time.

What Documents Should I Take Later on My DUI Arrest?

When yous are let out of the police force station or jail, y'all should have a scattering of documents. These documents volition unremarkably include:

  • Your Tickets: these documents will have each of your charges listed.
  • Bond Slip: tells you how much bail y'all were released on (if whatever, you can be released on an "I Bond" pregnant you were released on your own recognizance. A "D Bond" means y'all paid a deposit of 10% of your bond, or a "C Bond" is a cash 100% paid bond. The bond skid also tells you when and where your court appointment is.
  • Alert to Motorist: the officer should have read this to you and had you sign it earlier he asked you to take a jiff or blood examination.
  • Notice of Statutory Summary Suspension: tells you how long your suspension will exist. If you took a jiff or blood test it will tell you lot what the result was, it will list some of the reasons you were arrested for DUI, whether you surrendered your commuter'south license, whether the office gave you observe of the impending interruption in person or by mail, and the officer will sign and date information technology. On the back of this notice is the Receipt to Drive. If y'all have a valid license on the day of your arrest, the officer will fill up this out and this is what will permit y'all to bulldoze up until your suspension because the officeholder will take your concrete driver'southward license equally part of your bond. Yous will become it dorsum when the case is over and as long as your license is not suspended, you lot exercise non need it to drive. Instead, the Receipt to Drive volition be your driver's license while the case is pending.

Example of a Bond Slip:

Instance of the Notice of Summary Suspension (Front):

Notice of Summary Suspension (Back) Has the Receipt to Drive:


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